Shalom to all who enter.

Tag Archives: Jesus

when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad:

for he was desirous to see him of a long season,

because he had heard many things of him;

and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him.” Luke 23:8

Ah, Jesus, so I get to meet you finally.

Great troublemakers you lot are.

Pity that, about your cousin John the Baptist –

Very holy and all that, but very foolish.

He wouldn’t listen to reason.

Now, they tell me that you are a bit different from him.

That you actually do miracles.

Is that true that you turned water into wine?

And all that about people getting healed –

Is that for real, or just psychological ravings of people on an emotional high?

Well, well, well, this is very interesting.

So what do you have planned for us today?

Moses turned his staff into a snake

And the water in the jar into blood.

Are you going to do something like that?

I am hoping for something more mind boggling.

Oh yes, don’t do the water into blood thing –

It makes a mess.

Come on, don’t stand there doing nothing!

It’s boring, and I abominate bores.

Why do I feel his eyes look into my heart?

Why do I want to get up and give him my throne?

Okay, maybe you’re out of tricks today.

Tell me, then, what do you have to say?

Do you think you are the announced Messiah?

What are your plans? Come answer, sirrah!

Insolence! I won’t stand for it.

What do you mean what’s the verdict, Caiaphas?

Guilty! Should I say that?

Hmmm, I don’t know what the people would say.

I don’t know whether my popularity ratings would stand it.

Besides, what if he is who he says he is…

Why do I feel his eyes look into my heart?

Why do I feel like I want to fall at his feet and ask forgiveness?

Forgiveness? I am the King! Above the law!

Guards! A purple robe please!

Let’s teach this upstart a lesson.

Execute him? Ah Caiaphas, let Pilate deal with that.


The three wise men saw the star in the east proclaiming the birth of someone who they knew was going to be a significant king. They packed their bags, packed precious, prophetic gifts and travelled miles across difficult terrain, to personally worship the king who was born. What did they get out of that encounter? They met a young child. They didn’t receive pearls of wisdom or any earthly favours. And yet it is recorded for us, that, “they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when … they saw the young child … and fell down, and worshipped him: …” Mat 2:10-11  

Zacchaeus climbed a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. When Jesus took notice of him, Zacchaeus received Jesus joyfully, made a 180 turnaround in his life, and did all he could to set things right.

Herod, had a mental image of Jesus, and what that Jesus would do. Herod only wanted to be entertained, and was disappointed that Jesus would not play ball.

Jesus warned His disciples to beware the leaven of Herod.

  • The superficial seeker.
  • The professed theist but functional atheist.
  • Looking for experiences.
  • Collecting anecdotes.
  • Full of one’s own worth.
  • Trusting one’s rank and status.
  • Wanting to be in control.
  • Resisting the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • Seeking endorsement and approval for hedonistic lifestyles.

 How we would love to have a tame god who jumps through hoops for us. And how we reject the True Living God, because He keeps exploding the tame gods we create. How we love to put the lid on the voice of the Holy Spirit and push for our will to be done. We want a safe God who will endorse our lifestyles instead of bringing our lives into alignment with His.

 Lord, help us to love You and worship You for who You are, not what we imagine you to be. Amen


Lord, I don’t know what I am doing here.

I wish I could help, make things better in some way…

But there is nothing I can do.

For three years I heard You speak and teach,

It was like light bursting in my heart.

It made my spirit leap for joy to hear what You had to say.

And yet, not much of it makes real sense to me:

Scattered jigsaw pieces of truth

With the promise of a larger picture.

You have been silent all through the trial

With just a few words from the cross,

But You are teaching me so much in Your silence

You are showing me the Spirit of the One who sent You.

I see now why You wouldn’t let us call down fire from heaven

That is not why You came at all.

I dimly begin to see

that You are laying down Your life for me,

the disciples…

for the world?

That’s You’ve been saying isn’t it?

The Good Shepherd, the Broken Bread,

The grain of wheat falling into the ground to die,

The Passover Lamb that must be slain?

Yeah, I see Your Word being lived out before me,

Taking shape, being made Flesh, full of grace and truth.

Not a word You have spoken, that You haven’t lived out:

Turn the other cheek, bless don’t curse,

Pray for those who despitefully use you,

Let him have your coat as well.

Lord, You called me, John, Son of Thunder,

Full of zeal, enthusiasm and a passion to get ahead in life.

I wanted the seat beside Your Throne,

But You, Lord, Son of God, You knelt to wash my feet.

I saw You on the mountain,

face shining like the sun, Your Glory unsheathed.

Now soldiers roll dice for Your garments.

Clothes made holy by Your touch.

Do they know their true worth?

I don’t understand why You must die on the cross

Counted as a sinner, mockingly called our ‘King’

But I understand, my Lord, my Rabbi

That along with Your life, You have chosen to lay down Your Glory.

Forgive me, Father in Heaven, for coveting things that are not be mine

For wanting to rule in the kingdom, to hold sway over the other guys.

Father would you change this heart of mine?

I lay down my pride, my desire, my greed.

I see now that I have been loving the World and things that are in it

How can Your love abide, remain in me?

Oh Lord, how little I have loved You,

But how greatly You have loved me

And Your love is breaking the power of all fear in my life.

You called us ‘friend’

You told us to abide in Your love.

Branch of the Vine, bearing fruit that remains?

I wonder what that means…

Father I treasure the words You have spoken to me through Your Son

Let me be the salt that retains its savour

The candlestick that lifts up Your Light.

Father, Your son, Jesus always did what He saw You doing

Spoke only what He heard You speak.

How He trusted Your leading and guidance

That’s how He lived His days,

Restfully available, instantly obedient to the tug of Your hand on His heart…

What’s that? Is Jesus trying to speak from the cross?

I hear You speak now, I am here, Lord…

“Woman, behold, your son!”

“Behold, your mother!”

And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.

Restfully available, instantly obedient


* The Apostle John fascinates me. So little is known about him, and yet, we are indebted to him for the richest insights we have into the heart of Jesus. He had a listening ear and a treasuring heart. He’d learnt from watching Jesus, to be resfully available, instantly obedient. How I long to learn that and be that.

Lord, Messiah, Son of God,

Things were not supposed to end this way!

All power is surely Yours to command!

Why don’t You cast off the cloak of humanity?

Let Your true glory show.

My heart rips with each lash that falls on Your back

Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! They call out to me.

You knew, didn’t You, Rabbi, Master,

When You knelt at my feet to wash,

That with a kiss of friendship I’d betray you

And for 30 pieces of silver lose my eternity.

You ravening wolves, take back your silver,

Keepers of the law, let that innocent man go free.

How can you pervert justice?

How can you laugh in my face?

Can you not see the sin that is staining your hands?

Can you not see the Judgment Throne of the Holy God

As without defence before Him you stand?

O Sinless, Innocent One

How can I ever be forgiven for what I have done?

There is no atonement left for me.

Life is too bitter for me, the cup of folly I’ve drunk

Now its poison works within me

Withering all hope

And showing me the end of the road.


And so Judas died. Lonely, trapped in his guilt and remorse.

Mercy was being released like a mighty flood at the cross, a river that would cover the earth.

But Judas confused his friends and his enemies. He ran to the religious leaders, counting them as his friends, but they were merely hirelings who only cared to maintain their Raj. He thought he had some value some worth to them; after all he’d helped them achieve their goal. For them he was only another cog in the wheel, and Judas discovered that too late.

‘Self’ ruled Judas’ heart and so he could not see the mercy of God. He had heard Jesus’ tell person after person, ‘Your sins are forgiven you, go and sin no more.’ That was for ‘them’, the sinners, the fallen, immoral people, not for him – Judas Iscariot, keeper of the moneybag, disciple of Jesus. That seed which brought forth good fruit in the hearts of so many, fell by the wayside in his heart.

Cut off from the group he’d known for 3 years, rejected by the ones he’d trusted, alone and friendless, caught in the dark of despair, Judas stood condemned by his own heart. He confused his friends and his enemies once again. He ran from the scene of the crime, but not to the arms of God.

He’d walked with Jesus for three years, and yet had not understood the heart of mercy and grace of the Father God who was willing to welcome the prodigal son.

I always wonder what would have happened if Judas’ had fallen face down before God.

Would God have turned him away?

On the cross Jesus was dying as atonement for the sins of the world, and on another tree Judas was hanging because he chose to carry his own sin.

Jesus said, ” … whoever comes to me I will never cast out” …  John 6:37-40

I don’t know what personal demons-  fear, despair, guilt, shame or loneliness you are wrestling with today. May I encourage you to hope?

Judas thought he had to get his act together before he went to God. He saw no way to put things right and was crushed by the despairing, dead-ended thought that he would never be forgiven by God.

But there is NO SIN so heinous that God will not forgive. Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment of our sins on Himself. On the cross, Jesus cried, ‘Tetelestai’ – a greek word, which even today is the word that is stamped on invoices, meaning, ‘Paid in full, no further claims to be made on this account’.

You are forgiven. Already. Because Jesus died in your place on the cross. He’s paid the price for your forgiveness. You don’t have to carry your sin, or pay for it by yourself. You just have to go to God asking Him to forgive you, and receive the forgiveness that is yours BECAUSE Jesus died for you.

God accepts us as we are, and when we put our lives in His hand, He slowly untangles things – lives, thoughts, emotions, and establishes us in peace.

Jesus promised, He’d never throw out anyone who came to Him. Run to His arms, tell Him your thoughts, fears, battles, your mistakes, your goof-ups and ask Him to take over your life, your battles, your confusions, and give you His peace. He will. He loves you. May His peace and grace be multiplied to you.

The LORD is compassionate, merciful, patient, and always ready to forgive…

He has not treated us as we deserve for our sins or paid us back for our wrongs.

As high as the heavens are above the earth- that is how vast his mercy is toward those who fear him.

As far as the east is from the west- that is how far he has removed our rebellious acts from himself.

As a father has compassion for his children, so the LORD has compassion for those who fear him.

Psalm 103:8-13

The tumultuous entry into Jerusalem was behind them. The disciples wondered, “What had it achieved?”  The ordinary people were waiting, something was going to happen, but what, no one knew.

Yeah, He always talked a little weird, in ways that were a bit hard to understand, and so the disciples threw His words about Him dying and all such negative vibes over their shoulders and focused on more important matters at hand. They had to settle who was the greatest among them; who had the most right to take the plum positions in the kingdom that was surely going to be established after the Messianic revolution.

They were to celebrate the Passover feast, reclining on silken cushions at a table, to remind them, that they were no longer slaves in Egypt. But there was one obstacle. Dirty feet! One couldn’t recline at the table and partake of the feast with dirty feet.

Where was the slave girl or boy whose job it was to wash feet? Why wasn’t there one? Judas, are you penny-pinching again? No, not me, that’s not my job! Why don’t you do it, you are the youngest? The squabbling and bickering grew louder.

Jesus’ heart overflowed with tender amusement and affection towards them. They would learn, they would change in time.

Silence fell on the room as Jesus put off His outer garments, and girt Himself with a towel. Surely, He couldn’t mean to do a slave’s job? Yes, He did. The water was poured into a basin, and Jesus knelt at the feet of His disciples and began to wash.

I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. This water washes off the grime from your feet. The dust of all the earthly streets is now lying dissolved in this basin of water. But the words I have spoken to you, these three years, has done something much deeper. It has started the process of cleansing your heart of the grime of the world. And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. Your feet are now made beautiful and ready to carry the gospel of peace and God’s kingdom to the farthest ends of the earth.”

Peter, watched with growing indignation. Really guys, how can you let the MASTER wash your feet? Is this how you show Him respect?

Not too long ago, the disciples had watched in tight-lipped disapproval as Jesus feet were washed in tears, anointed with oil and lovingly wiped with hair. Apparently they had forgotten it, or else did not think Jesus worthy of such honour. Peter objected to having his feet washed, but neither he, nor any of the other disciples offered to wash Jesus’ feet.

Jesus asked them, “Do you understand what I have done for you?”

“Don’t you see the greatest idol you serve is the idol of self? Self, stands in the way of seeing another’s need. Self makes you hold onto your dignity and rights. I, Your Teacher and Lord, have knelt before you to serve you, because I love you. Where there is love, self gets off the throne. Love does not look to see if it is getting as much as it gives. Love seeks to bless the beloved. Can you see that? I have shown you the full extent of My Love.”  

Truly, truly, I say to you,

a servant is not greater than his master,

nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.

If you know these things,

blessed are you if you do them.

John 13:16-17 ESV

Some random thoughts:

>> Very often we think, that if we do to others, as we would have them do to us, it means that others will do for us what we do for them. Not so. Most of the time we are called to do for others what they will not do for us. The disciples did not wash Jesus feet. He knew they would run away when He needed them the most and betray Him as Judas did, but He washed their feet anyway.

>> Self-deification, and a sense of entitlement, blocks us from truly loving others.

>> Jesus said that He did only what He saw the Father doing. So in Jesus’ actions, we see the heart of the Almighty, kneeling to serve, to meet our needs. When we talk of Jehovah- Jireh, our provider, we are describing the Servant Heart of the Almighty Holy God, the One who is willing to stoop to see our needs, to fill them, and to carry our burdens.

>> He calls us to follow His example; to love expecting nothing back. And by our actions, proclaim the Father’s heart.


Don’t do anything from selfish ambition

or from a cheap desire to boast,

but be humble toward one another,

always considering others better than yourselves.

And look out for one another’s interests, not just for your own.

The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had:

He always had the nature of God,

but he did not think that by force he should try to remain equal with God. Instead of this,

of his own free will he gave up all he had,

and took the nature of a servant…

Php 2:3-7 GNB


**** The italicised words purporting to be Jesus’ words, are entirely my own. They are based in part on Ezekiel 36:25-27 ESV

Insults rained down on Him,

As the lash came down on His back,

“Where is your god now?

Physician, heal thyself.”

Like a lamb led to the slaughter,

He submitted Himself to the smiters

Not a word did He utter in His defense.

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Like a common criminal arrayed

His Majesty and Splendour

Sheathed back,

Yet His Glory was on display.

Glory, full of grace and truth,

Not once did He cower in fear of death or pain

Not once did He utter a plea for mercy or favour

Legions of angels stood breath-bated

Waiting for the command to war, which never came.

Jesus took it all, He never once cried “Stop”,

But He turned and looked at the Father’s brimming heart

At the dam of wrath about to burst

And He cried out to His Abba in Heaven,

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Oh what riches of peace, love and joy we inherit, because Jesus did not yell, ‘Stop’ to His tormentors

And what eternal glory awaits us because He drank the cup of wrath and judgment and cried ‘Mercy’ as He drank the last drop.


For God did not send his Son into the world

to condemn the world,

but in order

that the world might be saved through him.

 John 3:17 ESV

I had always thought that there were just two incidents where Jesus was anointed. But recently, as I have gone through the various accounts, it seems fairly certain to me that there are 3 separate incidents. ( I am willing to be corrected if I am wrong)

The 1st incident takes place in Simon the Pharisee’s home, probably in the city of Nain, not long after the widow’s son was raised from the dead. (Luke 7: 36- 50) A woman, labelled ‘A sinful woman’, weeps her heart out, in sorrow for her messed up, broken, sinful life. Her mourning is shot through with joy, for she knows that here is One who has the power to forgive her sins. She washes Jesus’ feet with her tears, wipes His feet with her hair, kisses His feet, and anoints His feet with precious spikenard.

The 2nd incident takes place at Mary and Martha’s home in Bethany. 6 days before Passover, just a day before Jesus rode into Jerusalem. (John 12:1-11) Mary anoints Jesus’ feet and wipes His feet with her hair, at the feast given to celebrate Lazarus being raised from the dead.

The 3rd incident takes place at Simon the Leper’s home. (Matt 26:1-12, Mark 14:1-12) A nameless woman, whose story and motivation is not known, walks in on the feast and pours the precious spikenard on Jesus’ head.

As I read and re-read these narratives, I have been fascinated by the portraits of the three different women.

The 1st was a penitent sinner,  the 2nd a joyful sister, the 3rd a nameless worshipper.

>> “Your eyes will behold the king in his beauty; they will see a land that stretches afar.” Isa 33:17

Through their different circumstances and pain, each one of them had received a fresh and clear understanding of Jesus as the Messiah, the Suffering Servant, the Son of God, the One whose kingdom is not of this world.

We all know of the three Wise Men, and their journey to behold the King and worship Him. In these gospel narratives I came across 3 simple women who came with their hearts overflowing with repentance, gratitude, awe and worship, carrying what was precious to them as an offering, for they knew that they were in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

>> “Wisdom begins with fear and respect for the LORD. Knowledge of the Holy One leads to understanding.” Pro 9:10 ERV

Each of these three women knew that their actions were likely to cause comment and outrage, and yet that did not deter them. Their eyes had seen the glory of their Maker, Redeemer and Master of the Universe revealed in the humanness of Jesus. At that moment of revelation, fear of man died, and they were set free to worship God with abandon.

>> David declared, “… I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing.” 2Sa 24:24 ESV

Each woman came with the costliest thing she had to offer. And it was all for Jesus and Jesus alone.




A few days ago, all of Jerusalem had been agog as the Messiah rode in, chased out the merchants and moneylenders. Expectations were high, maybe now was the moment of revolution. But, the Messiah did not follow their script or expectations. Garments were cleared of the road, and the palm fronds withered and died.

Now, 2 days before the Passover, probably the night before the Last Supper, in the quiet little Jerusalem suburb of Bethany, Simon the Leper, healed, restored to the bosom of his family, socially acceptable once more, throws a feast to celebrate his healing and the Source of his healing.

Into that feast walks a nameless woman. Nothing is known about her, who she is, why she did what she did. Only her actions, and the reactions to her actions are recorded.

Why did she pour a bottle of expensive nard on Jesus’ head? Maybe, with the eyes of the Spirit, she saw beyond what others could see. Others saw a tame Messiah, she saw the One whose word the Universe obeys. Whatever her motivation, hers was a very symbolic and prophetic act.

And as she poured the oil on Jesus’ head, did she see within her being, the coming together of justice and mercy, the union of priest and king?

Oil running down Aaron’s head and beard

Anointing him, setting him apart,

In the service of the Lord,

Carrying on his heart before the Lord

The stones of remembrance,

Offering sacrifices for the sins of the people.

Oil poured out on David’s head

Proclaiming him the Lord’s anointed king.

To establish justice and righteousness,

To lead by his example,

To serve the people on the Lord’s behalf.

Now the oil is poured on Jesus head

Anointed High Priest carrying the people before the Lord

The Scapegoat on whom the sins of the people had been placed

The Peace offering, the pure, spotless, Ram of consecration

Whose blood would be sprinkled

To sanctify a royal priesthood in the service of God.

Anointing oil flowing on Jesus’ head


” I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill

You are my Son; …

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,

and the ends of the earth your possession.

In You I AM well-pleased.”

Father, You anoint my head with oil

In the presence of my enemies;

I am Yours, consecrated, set apart.

I am ready to be broken

As bread must, before it can be eaten.

I am willing to be crushed

So Living Waters can flow.

I am Your servant

In my hands Your will prospers.

This perfume floods only this house

But the whole earth is full of Your glory;

And when I am pierced and lifted up

The whole earth will be filled with

The knowledge of Your Glory

As the waters cover the sea.”

… So speaks Jehovah of Hosts, saying, Behold the Man whose name is The BRANCH… and He shall build the temple of Jehovah …and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule on His throne. And He shall be a priest on His throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

Zec 6:12-13 MKJV


Readings: Matt 26: 6-13,   Mark 14:3-9

6 days before the Passover. The Great Sabbath. A day which begins a period of being set apart to prepare hearts to celebrate the Feast of Passover and the Day of Atonement. At Bethany, a suburb of Jerusalem, at the house of Martha and her siblings, a feast takes place.

Lazarus, out of the grave, now a tourist attraction, target of desperate, foolish plots to kill him, intent on telling his story…

Martha, happily serving, making sure all the guests were fed and taken care of…

Outside around the house there were throngs of people hoping to get a glimpse of Lazarus or Jesus…

Various groups of Pharisees and leaders watched uneasily, wondering where all this was going to end, trying to take back the reins of control, Jesus had to die; there was no other way to stem this tide…

Jesus’ disciples, confused and unsure by all His talk of dying, convinced He had a last minute trick up His sleeve, wondering what role each had to play in the coming Kingdom…

Judas, the observer, wondering how it would all profit him…

Mary, the worshipper had eyes only for the King. There, by the tomb, as Lazarus walked out wrapped in the shroud, she had seen Jesus the Lord of Life, and she saw with painful clarity, the corruption, unbelief and death that was in her heart.

How often she had sat at the feet of Jesus, believed Him to be the Son of God, but when the stone was rolled over the tomb, all she could think was “Jesus, You don’t care! You used us. Where are You when we need You? If You had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Lazarus, whom they thought was maggoty and decaying, walked out of the grave. In that blinding moment of truth, she saw before her the Creator, the I AM, El-Shaddai, the source, the origin of Life, the Master and Keeper of the Universe standing before her, his glory sheathed in human form.

She knew He’d heard her thoughts, just as clearly as if she’d spoken aloud. The accusations she’d hurled at Him, the hardness and resistance in her heart. Jesus saw all, and yet, He had compassion, He did not deny Mary and Martha their unspoken half-believing request.

 (Mary kneeling at Jesus’ feet) Lord and giver of Life, forgive me, for I was blind

I thought I knew You,

I see now that eternity is not enough to discover all that You are.

In You I begin to see the heart of the Father Almighty.

You said that You did only what You saw the Father in heaven doing,

When You wept at the grave and were groaning, were You echoing the Father’s heart?

 (pouring the oil on His feet) You are the GladTiding-bearer,

crossing mountains and valleys with ease.

How beautiful are Your feet, scarred and calloused as they are,

For You have brought news of the end of the war between God and Man

Proclaiming peace, publishing salvation,

Declaring in every action, ‘Our God reigns!’

His Kingdom’s come!

(wiping His feet with her hair) I have seen the goodness of the LORD,

Pass before me, right before my eyes!

All that I am, all that I have, has worth and meaning

Only as I surrender it all to You in worship and reverence.

Spikenard may fill the house with its glory,

But Your glory fills all the earth.

As I have bowed in worship, and surrendered my glory to You,

I am covered with the fragrance of the oil that I poured out on You.

I see in this moment, but dimly, that I was created to carry Your glory,

To be in Your image, and shine forth the goodness of God.

May I now go forth in Your Name, Lord, to proclaim,

‘Our God reigns! His Kingdom’s come!’

 And whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him who is seated on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever.

They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Rev 4:9-11 ESV

 Worship begins when the ‘light-bulb’ goes off, illuminating and expanding for us the understanding of who God is, and showing us who we are in the light of His Glory. For Mary it was a magnified understanding of who Jesus is as the Son of God, as the Resurrection and the Life. For the twenty-four elders, it is the increasing understanding of the Holiness of God, that leads them to lay down their achievements/crowns/rewards and bow in worship.

 When we bow down in worship with our understanding and our spirit, we rise up carrying away the song and perfume of heaven with us, wherever we go.



Rich, golden, whispering grain

Holding within them the promise of

Hunger appeased with satisfying bread.

Yet the joy of overflowing harvest

Cannot begin

Unless a grain of wheat falls in the ground and dies

For in the husk, it abides alone.

No greater love can there be than this,

Than One lay down His life for His friends.

See, the towel and the water bowl?

I call you My dearest friends:

There is no road I will not travel

To buy your free pardon

To set you free from the lifeless sod.


The Seed has been sown in the grave

And from Him we reap

A rich bountiful harvest

Of the treasures of God’s abundant grace.

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:16

and so is his free gift to so many people through the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ.

… how much greater is the result of what was done by the one man, Jesus Christ! All who receive God’s abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ.

Rom 5:15-17 GNB


I am not ashamed, My Father,

To be identified with these My brothers,

Weak, helpless, foolish,

Blind, deaf,

Wilful, sinful though they be.

I feel all the weight and torment

Of the sin that they carry:

The soul invading darkness

That shuts out the light of Your glory.

Oh, how I hear the voice of the seducer

Showing Me the easy way out,

But I see these My brothers

Redeemed from Sheol,

Made whole,

Restored to Your embrace,

And I cannot turn back O My Father

I have waited these many ages

This moment of freedom to see

I am willing and ready O My Father,

The cup of judgment and wrath to receive.

“Tetelestai!” He cried out

As he drained the cup to the end.

Gladly He gave up His spirit

Into the Father’s waiting hands.

He had done all that He set out to do,

Now His Father would take over the baton,

The lonely embrace of Sheol would be broken

For the Father would never abandon,

His Holy One, His Only Begotten Son,

To the grimy hold of the grave.

Death, by His death would be broken

At the Father’s Life-giving command,

The dawn of a new creation,

springing from the womb of an empty grave.

 “ That is why He is not ashamed to call them brothers, …

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood,

He Himself likewise partook of the same things,

that through death

He might destroy the one who has the power of death,

that is, the devil,

and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery…

For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Heb 2:11-18 ESV

“For behold,

I create new heavens and a new earth,

and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.

But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create;

for behold,

I create Jerusalem to be a joy,

and her people to be a gladness.

Isa 65:17-18 ESV